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This is function to convert raster image to vector file.

Import packages

from Godream.plotimg import overlay_map
from Godream.convertool import raster2polygon

Set input/output path

This input file is raster image from the classification output in ML classification

file_name ='output.tif'
out_shp_fn = 'output.shp'

Convert raster to

It might take several minute to get the vector result depend on the number of polygon created.

raster2polygon(file_name, out_shp_fn, band_number=1, field_name="values")
 * info: creating integer raster to Polygonize:
   >> output_int.tif
Success: Wrote output.shp

Explore output

overlay_map(vector_file=[out_shp_fn], zoom=10)


Or display in ArcMap software