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Machine Learning for Classification

Import package

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio 
import rioxarray
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np

from sklearn import model_selection
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from Godream.plotimg import overlay_map
from Godream.convertool import xarray_ds, geojson_add_Newcol
from Godream.geobox import extract_by_point, merge
from Godream.classification import predict_xray

Set Input

file_name = "data/S2_image3.tif" # raster image file
v1 = 'data/rice_point.geojson'   # point of rice in vector
v2 = 'data/urban_point.geojson'  # point of urban in vector 
v3 = 'data/water_point.geojson'  # point of water in vector
vector = [v1, v2, v3]
filer = [file_name]

Display input

It may take several minute to display map.

As you can see the 3 diferance type of land use in 3 vector files. That is consist of rice, urban and water.

#Visualize vector and raster files
overlay_map(vector_file=vector , raster_file = filer, with_draw_tools=True,zoom=None )


Create Xarray dataset

Create Xarray dataset from raster image

Use 'xarray_ds' to convert raster image to xarray dataset

# create xarray dataset
ds = xarray_ds(tiff_path=file_name)

Data preparation

Add new colume

Add new colume to set code value to identify the type of landuse.

The case study set new column name : "class".

And value of each column was sapareted to these:

Code 111 : padd field / 222 : Urban / 333 : water

points= 'data/rice_point.geojson'

gdf = gpd.read_file(points)
class geometry
0 111 POINT (100.66825 14.12306)
1 111 POINT (100.68223 14.13092)
2 111 POINT (100.58157 14.14916)
3 111 POINT (100.58988 14.15341)
4 111 POINT (100.85970 14.18962)

Merge file together

out_trainset = 'data/trainset.geojson'

merge(vector, out_trainset )
# explore merged output
gdf = gpd.read_file(out_trainset)
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 311 entries, 0 to 310
Data columns (total 2 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------    --------------  -----   
 0   class     311 non-null    int64   
 1   geometry  311 non-null    geometry
dtypes: geometry(1), int64(1)
memory usage: 5.0 KB

Extract raster value by point

Use 'extract_by_point' to extract value of each band of satellite image (raster image).

As you can see on the output, there are the column of each band from raster image file input.

# set input parameter
raster = 'data/S2_image3.tif'
points = 'data/trainset.geojson'
output_vector = 'data/trainset_DN.geojson'
# call function to  extract value from raster file
extract_by_point(raster, points, output_vector)
class geometry band_1 band_2 band_3 band_4
0 111 POINT (100.66825 14.12306) 509.0 859.0 962.0 3781.0
1 111 POINT (100.68223 14.13092) 562.0 927.0 1019.0 1682.0
2 111 POINT (100.58157 14.14916) 573.0 938.0 1035.0 2763.0
3 111 POINT (100.58988 14.15341) 592.0 920.0 1033.0 2717.0
4 111 POINT (100.85970 14.18962) 590.0 889.0 990.0 2513.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
306 333 POINT (100.59200 14.09595) 563.0 758.0 1038.0 466.0
307 333 POINT (100.90402 14.20271) 520.0 788.0 984.0 407.0
308 333 POINT (100.67575 14.17692) 526.0 758.0 980.0 620.0
309 333 POINT (100.52054 14.13157) 890.0 1214.0 1280.0 466.0
310 333 POINT (100.76937 14.13664) 451.0 726.0 956.0 401.0

311 rows × 6 columns

Preprocessing data

set the column name to be the variable to train model

# select column name
columns = ['class','band_1','band_2','band_3', 'band_4']

# read input
gdf = gpd.read_file(output_vector)

#set column for model input

model_input1 = gdf[columns]
# convert to np array
model_input2 = model_input1[columns].to_numpy()


Our training data has multiple classes in it. However, we are only trying to predict one class (i.e. class label 111, paddy field) with this model. We therefore remove other classes from our training data by setting the label value for all other classes to 0.

model_input2[:, 0] = np.where(model_input2[:, 0] == 111, 1, 0)

Split data set

Split data set to training data 70% and testing data 30%

# Split into training and testing data
model_train, model_test = model_selection.train_test_split(
    model_input2, stratify=model_input2[:, 0], train_size=0.7, random_state=0)
print("Train shape:", model_train.shape)
print("Test shape:", model_test.shape)
Train shape: (217, 5)
Test shape: (94, 5)

Use a custom subset of the satellite bands loaded above to train our data, you can replace column_names[1:] with a list of selected band names (e.g. ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'nir'])

# Select the variables we want to use to train our model
model_variables = columns[1:]

# Extract relevant indices from the processed shapefile
model_col_indices = [
    columns.index(var_name) for var_name in model_variables

Train Model

# initial the model
rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
# Train model[:, model_col_indices], model_train[:, 0])
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# This shows the feature importance of the input features for predicting the class labels provided, height=rf_model.feature_importances_)
plt.gca().set_ylabel('Importance', labelpad=10)
plt.gca().set_xlabel('Variable', labelpad=10)


# accuracy of the model
predictions = rf_model.predict(model_test[:, model_col_indices])
accuracy_score(predictions, model_test[:, 0])


It may take several minute for classification.

# Predict landcover using the trained model
predicted = predict_xray(rf_model, input_xr=ds, clean=True)

Plot classified ouput

# Set up plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 6))  # Set up one subplot

# Plot classified image

# Add a plot title
axes.set_title('Classified Data')

# Display the plot


Export to Tiff

# export to geotiff'output.tif',  
                                    crs =,